The many faces of a man going “solo”

Many have tried to imitate him, no one has succeeded.
(LEGGO – 11/04/2018 – OLGA BATTAGLIA)
Many have tried to imitate him, no one has succeeded. Because Arturo Brachetti is not only the undisputed master of quick change, he is first and foremost an irreverent wizard who struts and frets his hour upon the stage with the speed of his transformist genius and the shameless grace of an eternal child.
In addition to the prodigious techniques and the tricks of the trade (the patents of his costumes are covered by absolute secrecy), inside this sixty year old Peter Pan there are massive doses of theatrical fantasy. . His new one-man show, tonight to Sunday at Arcimboldi, is titled “Solo”, but he won’t be exactly alone in this. True, he’ll be the only man on stage, but the characters at play will be fifty at least.
They will appear and disappear in a few seconds, giving life to a frenetic swirl of stories, situations, paradoxes. One costume after another, Brachetti is multiplied and transformed in the presence of a miniature house, symbol and metaphor of childhood, the most beautiful of ages. Seven rooms the public can immerse themselves into, thanks to a system of filming and projections, accompanying Arturo in chasing dreams, memories and desires.